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What is Emsculpt?

EMSCULPT is the only procedure which helps women and men build muscle and burn fat simultaneously. In addition, EMSCULPT provides the world's first non-invasive buttock toning procedure.

How does it work?

EMSculpt is a non-invasive, non-surgical fat reduction technology system that directly targets muscles. In fact, its fat reduction abilities are almost secondary to its muscle building properties. By stimulating involuntary muscle contractions at a rapid pace, with no breaks between each contraction, EMSculpt effectively simulates the equivalent of thousands of crunches or abdominal exercises in a 30-minute period.

This rapidly burns away stubborn fat cells while stimulating the development of muscle mass. This is achieved through a convenient, easy-to-use application system that lies on top of the targeted muscle areas, sending electromagnetic energy through the applicator to stimulate muscle contractions.

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Frequently asked questions 

Am I a good candidate for EMSCULPT?

EMSculpt is a non-invasive, non-surgical fat reduction technology system that directly targets muscles. In fact, its fat reduction abilities are almost secondary to its muscle building properties. By stimulating involuntary muscle contractions at a rapid pace, with no breaks between each contraction, EMSculpt effectively simulates the equivalent of thousands of crunches or abdominal exercises in a 30-minute period.

This rapidly burns away stubborn fat cells while stimulating the development of muscle mass. This is achieved through a convenient, easy-to-use application system that lies on top of the targeted muscle areas, sending electromagnetic energy through the applicator to stimulate muscle contractions.

What does it feel like?

The EMSCULPT procedure feels like an intensive workout, as your muscles are undergoing a vigorous series of contractions every few minutes for a total of 30 minutes. There is also a prickling sensation during the treatment.

How soon will I see results?

The muscles treated will feel stronger with each treatment, with increased muscle mass resulting about 2-4 weeks after the 4 treatment series. Improvement of the overlying fat is appreciable by about 3 months after the series is completed. We recommend a good exercise regimen to maintain results. Many individuals find EMSCULPT treatments at 6 month intervals are useful to maintain results.

How long does it last?

Improved muscle tone lasts at least 6 months but longer if you exercise regularly. The fat loss in the abdomen area is thought to be long term due to fat cell destruction.

Is there any downtime?

EMSCULPT is non-invasive and requires no recovery time or any pre/post treatment preparation ordowntime.

You cannot have EMSCULPT if the following conditions are present:

  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding

  • Cardiac pacemaker, defibrillator, implanted neurostimulator, drug pump or electronic
    implanted device

  • Metal rods, pins, plates, metal IUD or orthopedic implants/joints

  • Pulmonary insufficiency, cardiac disorders, epilepsy or active malignancy

  • Bleeding disorders, or taking blood thinners

  • History of hernia repair with mesh, or any recent surgical procedure in the area

  • Any injury, damage or tear to muscle or soft tissue in the area to be treated including
    active hernia

  • You may not use the device near your chest, head or neck

  • You are under 18 years old

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