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Skin Needling (Mderma™️)

​・Tightens, lifts and rejuvenates the skin

・Reduces keloids scars, surgical scars

・Reduces acne scaring/Stretch marks/Fine wrinkles

・Decreases pore size 

How it works?

The MDerma™ uses sterile, sealed individual and disposable needle cartridges to ensure patient safety. Every cartridge has multiple needles, with proprietary technology, penetrating vertically generating small micro skin channels, while stimulating the natural production of collagen.

These channels carry up to 80% more topical nutrients, allowing penetration deep to the skin fibroblasts, feeding the cells found in the dermis and the basal layer. This increases the absorption of active ingredients into the skin, stimulating the repair at a cellular level and accelerating the regeneration of the skin’s epidermal cells.

The treatment is similar to laser treatments, but without the severe side effects or the long recovery time. There are some studies that show it is more effective than traditional microdermabrasion and chemical peels.

The disposable needles remove the risk of cross-contamination and the adjustable depth allows treatment that is adaptable to individual needs.

MDerma™ is so advanced, it is appropriate and safe to use in sensitive and previously inaccessible areas such as the upper and lower eyes, lips and nose.

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Mderma™️ Skin needling creates small, micro-skin channels, while stimulating the skin’s natural ability to heal itself and increasing the production of new collagen — which is the formation of strong, insoluble fibers that serve as connective tissue between cells.

These micro-skin channels carry up to 80% more topical nutrients, allowing penetration deep into the dermis fibroblasts, feeding the cells found in the dermis and basal layers.

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Before & After

*Individual results may vary.

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Frequently asked questions 

1.How many skin needling treatment will I need?

Depending on your skin condition, we recommend anywhere between 3-10 treatments. When treating more severe skin conditions such as stretch marks and major scarring you may require between 6 to 10 treatments every 6-8 weeks. A refresher course may be performed every 6-12 months.

2.What do I look after treatment?

You will experience some redness and mild swelling for 2 to 4 days.

You may even notice a slight bruising or several tiny blood spots,

but they will disappear in 24 to 48 hours. Your skin will become smoother and radiant in a week.

3. What are the Benefit of skin needling?

Micron needling stimulates blood circulation and collagen production by over 1,000%.

It is very cost effective compared to many expensive and harsh procedures such as chemical peel, laser and dermabrasion.

Skin needling works on all skin types. It can treat the face, body, skin around the eyes, mouth, neck and the scalp. Skin needling is proven to improve the following skin conditions:


  • Rough Skin Texture

  • Wrinkles

  • Fine Lines

  • Laugh Lines

  • Surgical Scars

  • Acne Scars

  • Large Pores

  • Aging Skin

  • Stretch Marks

4.Is it painful?

Prior to the treatment, numbing cream can be applied to minimize pain that is felt during the procedure

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