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 Say No to incontinence &Intimate discomfort


What is Emsella

A breakthrough treatment for incontinence and confidence. This unique technology revolutionizes women’s intimate health and wellness by providing those suffering from incontinence with a completely non-invasive option.

How does it work?

BTL Emsella™ utilizes High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic technology (HIFEM) to cause deep pelvic floor muscles stimulation and restoration of the neuromuscular control

It’s like doing 11,000 kegels in 28 minutes.

Key effectiveness is based on focused electromagnetic energy, in-depth penetration and stimulation of the entire pelvic floor area. A single BTL Emsella™ session brings thousands of supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions, which are extremely important in muscle re-education of incontinent patients.

For improving orgasms

The Benefits of Juvéderm VOLITE

As we age and the menopause hits, for many women, their sex life can take a dive, or go through some form of change. This is due to significant fluctuations in both estrogen and testosterone levels that happen during the onset of the menopause, which affects both your sex drive and desire to actually have sex, as well as the internal workings of your body, including vaginal tightness, vaginal lubrication and blood flow to the clitoris and vagina.

All these changes are perfectly natural and happen to many women as part of the menopause. The menopause affects every woman differently, so you may find your attitude towards sex and sexual pleasure changing in a variety of different ways.

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Frequently asked questions 

How Emsella Technology Works

While it may sound too good to be true, the technology behind Emsella has been around for decades. Emsella utilizes electromagnetic waves to target specific tissue in the pelvic floor and stimulate muscles.

This nonsurgical, noninvasive device is encapsulated in an ergonomic, comfortable chair that you’ll rest on, fully clothed. During a short 28-minute session, your pelvic muscles will regain more strength by experiencing over 11,000 painless contractions, which is the same as doing 11,000 Kegel exercises. After two to three weeks of treatment, you’ll see a marked improvement in your SUI condition without any discomfort or downtime.

Does Emsella Hurt?

The majority of patients report that they did not experience any discomfort during the treatment. However, there are some reported instances of very mild, but tolerable, contractions.

How long before I see results from Emsella?

In some cases, there are immediate results. However, for maximized results, two treatments per week for a 3 week period is recommended.

Who is the right candidate for Emsella?

If you are struggling with stress incontinence, BTL Emsella might be the perfect treatment for you.

BTL Emsella can improve the symptoms of stress incontinence caused by menopause or childbirth, as well as other intimate health conditions, including vaginal laxity and difficulty reaching orgasm.

However, if you are pregnant, have a pacemaker, have metal plates in your body, such as hip replacements or if you have a copper coil or IUD, then BTL Emsellais not suitable for you, and we can help give you the information you need to choose a different treatment in these cases. You should also remove any intimate piercings before treatment with BTL Emsella.

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